Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Marana, Az.

Oct. 15th.,16th, 17th, 18th,We were in Little Rock, Ark. had to have the motor home software upgraded(the engine light was blinking ) and while we were there we had to have a new transmission put in the P.T. Cruiser. We sat in the parking lot of the repair place for 4 days. Finally got the Tanny replaced and started on our way to Az.
Oct. 19th We traveled from Benton, Ark. to Ranger, Tex. 415 miles and still not across Tex.
Oct. 20th We spent the night in Carlsbad, NM. traveling  345 Miles that day still trying to get away from Tex. Had planned the route to go to Cloud croft, Jay figured it was to high this time of the year. (9,000 ft.). So back down to Tex. we go dropping into El Paso and coming across to Las Cruces, NM 206 miles.
Oct. 21, 22...We stayed still for a couple of days to get caught up with ourselves.
Oct. 23, heading for Benson, Az. we could smell something hot in the motor home pulled over of the freeway, we just lost 2 water hoses to the engine had water and coolant all over the engine Jay made a phone call to Cat (Rush Truck Serv.) in Las Cruces,they said try to fill it with water and get back to Las Cruces will work you in and have you out in a day. So back to Las Cruces (43 Miles) to the shop 2 days later at 7:45PM we get out of the shop talk about two frustrated old people ...we qualified. While we were bumming around Las Cruces we went to the Wed. Street Market. Rather nice for a change.
Oct. 25th Finally in Marana, Az. at my niece and her husbands home. Going to set back and relax for 5 days then head for Yuma for 5 weeks. 
Oct. 30th We left the kids place and now we are setting in the parking lot of the Casino in Winterhaven, will go into the park( Pilot Knob) tomorrow will spend about 5 weeks in this area.  We had a wonderful time with the kids.
This is the end of the Trip....Had good company (Rudy, Doris, Dave and Eva.)
spent a lot of money on fuel, RV Parks, repairs and sickness.  All of these things could of happened at home as well as on the trip. This will be the most memorable excursion , we can laugh, cry and thank god it wasn't worse.
We saw a lot and missed a lot.  Wouldn't trade it for anything.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Memphis, Tenn. Oct. 12,13,14th

Arrived in Memphis at the Tom Sawyer RV Pk.  Saturday, we took a tour of Memphis, this town is really rundown. We got to walk down Beale street this is the motley crew on Beale St. , get out at the information center where there is a big statue of Elvis and B. B. King , Went to the Peabody Hotel watched the Ducks come out of the elevator and get into the fountain in the lobby, they come down at 11AM and go back up to the penthouse(Roof) at 5 PM, drove by the pyramid,drove by the motel where Martin Luther King was killed, stopped at the St. Jude's hospital we couldn't go into the hospital we went into the shrine that was built for Danny Thomas and his wife with a beautiful garden it showed the research,the developing of the hospital some of the story's from the different families,they have hotels for the parents of the children in the hospital this is no cost to the parents,drove by Graceland to see Elvis's House, the trees were so big you couldn't see a thing. We got to see the jails around Memphis, this was not the best tour we have been on. Sunday morning we had a good rain storm. Where we are parked we can watch the barges go up and down the river. They are pushing 24 hrs. a day.  Today is the last day we will all be together. Dave and Eva are heading for New Mexico, Doris and Rudy are going with us to Little Rock, Ark. and then across Oklahoma.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Nashville, Tenn. Oct. 9/10,2012

Oct. 9th Tuesday 176 Miles

We stopped at Bowling Green, Ky at the Corvette Museum for 2 hours then on to Nashville, Tenn.

Oct. 10th Wednesday

Doris, Rudy, Jay and I got on the" Hop on and Hop off trolley" and road around the city.Then we went around again and got off at the different things to see, you had 45 mins. at each stop then another trolley would pick you up. We stopped at the farmers market, then the Marathon automobile station, and the Nashville hall of fame. Walked 4 blocks and took in the sights in town, stopped at the ice cream parlor and had a cone. Of course, we had to do the two bit shops(junk stores). That pretty much took care of the day.
Nashville is a very expense place. The people are very friendly and nice.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Charleston, WV, Louisville, Ky. Oct. 6,7,8, 2012

Oct. 6th Saturday  154 Miles.
 We arrived at the Elks in Charleston...NOT recommended for RV you go up a steep grade make a sharp turn arrive on top and there is a place for one RV well guess what there was three of us. Jay had to maneuver around the parking lot so Dave and Rudy could get their rigs parked.  What a night mare...I  couldn't sleep just thinking of coming down the hill. Made it down...

Oct. 7th Sunday  266 Miles
We are now in Louisville, Ky at the Eagles with electric, weather is beautiful, cool at night.

Oct. 8th Monday
We went to the Louisville Slugger factory, watched them make the bats we also got a little bat of  our own from there we went to Churchill downs race track and toured the tracks and saw where the Millionaire got to set.  All betting is done by 'CASH' only anything from a $2.00 bet up to what ever.

This flower was at  Churchill Downs

Friday, October 5, 2012

Hershey, Pa. Morgantown, WV Oct. 3,4,5, 2012

Oct. 3rd Wed.   220 Miles.
We arrived in Lebanon , Pa.just out side of Hershey, Pa. We are staying in a 1,000 park, its a beautiful park, but we had more stink bugs that you could shake a stick at. they got in the Motor Home all over the outside of the Motor Home.

Oct. 4th Thurs.

I took Dave to the hospital in Lebanon, he couldn't get up , set down he had pulled a muscle in his back or Eva and I sat all day in the ER so they could patch up Dave.  Then we met Jay, Doris and Rudy at Hershey's Chocolate factory and did the cute little tour. Its just a fun thing ran out of time didn't get to tour the grounds of the Hershey family.

Oct. 5th....Friday   261 Miles
We are now in Morgantown, WV. at the Elks, we are packed in here like sardines. when they say a little lot believe them...But we are happy and cozy. Today I swatted stink bugs all the way here. We stopped every hour so Dave could get out and walk about 10 min. That helped his back.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Warwick , NY Oct. 1,2,3, 2012

Oct. 1st......Jay is still  in the hospital, he is still very sick, as of today ( Oct. 2nd) he is still in  the St. Anthony Hospital in Warwick just 5 miles from the campground.

Oct. 2nd...They did an upper GI and a lower GI last night.  So maybe today we will find out what this is all about. His color was back to normal and so is his attitude, he wasn't able (or should I say they wouldn't let him have anything not even a sip of water for the past 24 hrs.) to eat or drink. He was letting them know he was hungry.
 Jay was released, has to take antibiotics for a week and lots of fluid. This is a picture of the quaint little Villa Jay staying in for 3 days.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Florida, NY Sept. 30, 2012

Sept. 30th, Sunday   275 Miles.

We left Gloucester, Mass. and traveled with Dave and Eva to Florida, NY. Doris and Rudy had truck trouble so they stayed behind to get it fixed today in Beddinger, they will join us in Florida, NY this evening.  Jay is still sick, I drove from Mass, across Connecticut and into NY, on the freeway a bus and I clipped mirrors...no damage just tweaked it so I couldn't see we stopped and realigned it all is great down the road we go. Took Jay to the ER yesterday, They put him in the hospital at least for over night. Has an infection in the stomach and colitis with blood in the stool. They are going to run more test on him today.  I think it was because everything went right thru him it irritate the bowels. But we are going to find out .  He hasn't enjoyed this trip from Pa. on to now.