Friday, September 28, 2012

Bar Harbor, Maine Sept. 24,25,26, 2012

Sept. 24th Monday...330 Miles

Today we started out at 7:15 AM from Burlington, Vt. went thru Vermont, New Hampshire and made it to Bar Harbor, Maine at 4:15 PM. It sure was a long trip, there was a lot of signs telling us to look out for MOOSE, never did see one. Darn..... We made it across the US in 30 days.  All six of us was really tired and Jay is still sick, it been a week.
Sept. 25th Tuesday....Bar Harbor
Today we took a tour of Bar Harbor, Cadillac Mountain, Thunder Hole, and the Acadia National Park the tour was 2.5 Hours. Good Guide and very informative. Had LOBSTER when we got back to town. Very good ate it all. After lunch we walked the town and checked out the little shops.  Lot of goodies but didn't buy.  It is really windy today our park is right along the bay.  The guide was telling us we could go to the top of Cadillac Mountain at 4:30 AM, yes AM and be the first to see the sun rise...OH, Yes right along with about 500 other people...No thank you said "Jay" Wed. it was cold and rainy, Doris and Rudy went with us to grocery shopping                                                 
Sept, 27th Thursday,Old Fort Knox in Venon, Me. as we were heading for Boston, Mass. It is now a Museum.   Arrived at the park just a hour out of Boston, Have a pinched Nerve so Iam grounded for a while.. It is raining here today. Would like to do the trip around Gloucester a fishing community and Rockport which is a little sleeping village. Tomorrow will do some more LOBSTER.                              

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