Sunday, June 28, 2009

SPAM(something posing as meat) museum..Amish Farm Tour

June 25Th/28Th
Arrived at Spring Grove, Mn. at the Park Hidden Bluff....2 1/2 miles of gravel road down in the holler. Started out with rain in the morning but cleared up for the rest of the travel. Friday we went into Austin, Mn. with picnic in hand to the Spam Company, couldn't tour the process so we went to the museum, Hawaii consumes the most Spam in all the states. It is produced in Mn. and Ne. also in Guam, Philippines, Japan and South Korea, found a city park and had lunch it is hot and muggy.
Saturday we went to Lanesboro, Mn. bought a CD on the Amish back road tour. We took our time could stop at different homes if they had their shingles hanging out to sell their wares. Made about 7 stops some of those people are very poor the little ones don't speak English they just open the door to the little craft house and let you in.. Its self service, the kids were all barefoot from the age of 4 to 17 even the girls ,the boys all have bowl haircuts, bib pants and homemade shirts (not t-shirts) and the girls wore their dresses, bonnets and no shoes. The boys would come running when they saw the truck but would not get close to you or the truck. They made a lots of baskets (yes, I just had to have one), lots of furniture, canning jellies (bought Dandelion Jelly), cherry pie, strawberry/rhubarb jam, bread, candy, cabbage, and asparagus. Their quilts started from $600. to $900., they are big and beautiful. Saw lots of buggies( those People just fascinate me) The tour took us about 3 hours. the Guy on the CD gave us check points and told us about the Amish Settlement. We went to their cemetery the had stone are all the same with their name, date of birth, date of death, who their parents were and how many days they had lived. There was lots of still born babies and several young girls. We were wondering if they died in child birth.

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